Symon Symorse Groat

1602 – ?

From the Notes of Jim Tillotson:

Jim Tillotson’s Notes on Roosa, Pels, De Jongh, Du Truy and Groot:

From information on Rebecca De Trieux:

m. 1628/1629 [LDSC] in Schnectady, Schnectady Co, NY [LDSC] 3598-Symon [LDSC, ScFS, FOMC, SPHx]/Simon [ScFS, SPHx]/Semen [AlHx] Symorse [LDSC]/Simonse [ScFS, SPHx]/Symense [AlHx]/Symonse [AlHx, SPHx]GROAT [LDSC]/GROOT [ScFS, AlHx, SPHx] afterwards of Schenectady [SPHx]

b. 1602 in Netherlands [LDSC] 

d. in Schenectady, Schenectady Co, NY [LDSC]

NOTE 3598-Symon Symorse Groat

[AlHx] I:207 Symen Symonse/Symense Groot appeared before Albany Court 9 August 1654 to allow his brother-in-law, Isaac De Forrest of Manathans to sell, transfer or assign a sum of 684 guilders earned in the service of the West Indies Company

[AlHx] III: 91 Key to the names of persons in Early Dutch Records of Albany and Vicinity: Symon Symonse Groot 1654-1662

III: 129 Genealogies of first settlers in Albany:

Symon Symonse Groot, a servent in the West Indies Company, was at Beverwyck 1654; became one of first settlers of Schenectady

III: 200 patented in 1659 a lot on Columbia Street/Broadway, west side, Columbis to Steuben in Village of Beverwyck (Patents 381, 405; Albany Co Records 268, 413)

III: 274 conditions of sale of house and lot in Beverwyck:  firstly, the house with all that is fast by earth and nailed shall be delivered to the buyer, except for the horse stable; the house is twenty feet square with a lot four rods in breadth, and seven and a half rods long 

III: 327 on 30 June 1663 along with Isaac Forrest appointed as guardian of Elsie Wendel age 16, Johannes Wendel age 14, Diewer Wendel age 10, Jeronimus Wendel age 8, Philip Wendel age 5 and Evert Wendel age 3, both being uncles on maternal side of children of Susanne De Truwe/Truax, deceased, and Evert Jansen Wendel (to be married to Maria Abrahambe, widow of the late Thomas Janssen Mingael, dau. of Abraham Pieterse Vosburgh)

[FOMC] p 182 defaulted in Court of Fort Orange 5 April 1659 p 197 defendent in Court of Fort Orange 8 July 1659

NOTE 3598-Symon Symorse Groat (continued)

[ACHx] p 294-295

The sagacity of the Dutch settlers is shown in their selection of lands, and the tenacity with which they held possession of them. They rarely occupied the hills. Their native Holland was a flat country, abundant in water, lying by the sea, and traversed by rivers and canals. The early colonists planted their homes, usually upon level tracts, upon the rich aluvium of the Hudson River, or other streams that ran into it. These they were apt to leave to their heirs.

List of patents of lands located in or near Albany County by the Dutch Government from 1630-1634:includes many names including Kiliaen Rensselaer 1631-1649 (large tracts, most of others are lots only) Jan Michelesen 1650, many in 1652-1653 including Thomas Chambers 1653, fewer in 1654-1664. Of note are:

Cornelis Teunissen a lot in Beverwyck 23 April 1652

Symon Symonz Groot, a lot, Beverwyck, May 11, 1663

[SPHx] p 25 signed the Indian Deed and First Patent For the Township (of Schenectady) in Albany on 10 October 1702

p 80 The situation of this (Fonda’s) Island is best described in the patent to Simon Simonse Groot, of date Aug. 9, 1694, “to confirm to him a small island in the Mohawk river within the town of Schenectady posessed by him for twenty-seven years, to wit, a certain small island in the Mohawk river lying to the north of the Hoek, or point of Reyer Jacobsen’s [Schermerhorn], and to the southward of the island belonging to Joris Aertsen [now Guise’s] and to the westward of the island lately belonging to Sweer Teunise deceased,-containing five morgans or ten acres.

p 120 came to New Netherland ca. 1645, as boatswain of the ship Prince Maurits, and purchased a house of Jacob Roy in New Amsterdam; about 10 years later became a resident of Beverwyck where he purchased a house lot and remained until 1663, when he hired a bouwery of 25 or 30 morgans at Schenectady of Gerrit Bancker and Harmen Vedder (The lease ran for 6years at a rent of 500 guilders and included with the land, a dwelling house, barn, ricks, six draft horses including a mare, six milch cows, two sows, etc.

p 120 sons Symon, Abraham, Philip, Dirk and Claas captured by the French and Indians, and taken to Canada; the following year they were redeemed.

p 120 home lot in the village, was on the northerly side of Union Street 100 feet westerly from Church Street; fifty feet front and extending through to Front Street more than 400 feet; it remained in the family several generations (Deeds III: 324)

p 120 In 1654 he had a claim against the Dutch West Indies Co for services rendered of 684 guilders (see Deeds II: 43, Albany Co Records 207). 1659, owned a lot in Beverwyck next south of Uldrick Kleyn’s (Albany Co Records 268). 1659, offerred same for sale-size 4 rods x 7 1/2 rods, house 20 sq. ft (Albany Co Records 274). 1660 had a lot south of Pieter Vrooman’s on the Third kil, Albany (Albany Co Records 283). 1662 proposing to remove to Esopus he empowered Jan Withart to sell his house and lot in Beverwyck (Not.

Papers I: 79, 271). 1667, 2 may he had a patent for a lot without the town which passed into the possession of Jan Withart (Albany Co Records 145)

NOTE 3598-Symon Symorse Groat (continued)

[ScFS] p 80-81 Symon Symonse Groot, the first settler (of Patent and City of Schenectady) came early to New Netherlands in the service of the West Indies Company, as a boatswain of the ship Prince Maurice. In 1645 he bought a house and lot of Jacob Roy, in New Amsterdam. Soon after he came to Beverwyck, where he purchased or built a house, which in 1654 he offerred for sale. He had lately withdrawn from the service of the West Indies Company, against whom he then held a claim for services of 834 guilders. In 1662 being about to remove to the Esopus, he empowered Johannes Withart to sell his house and lot; but it is evident that he changed his purpose, for in 1663he hired a bouwery of 25 or 30 morgans, of Gerit Bancker and Harmen Vedderen, at Schenectady, and still retained posession of his house in Albany as late as 1667. His home and lot in Schenectadt was on the north side of Union Street, 100 Amsterdam feet westerly from Church Street, running through to Front Street, and remained in the family more than a hundred years. He m. Rebecca, daughter of Philip Du Trieux (Traux), court messenger of New Amsterdam, and had the following children: Symon; Abraham; Philip; Dirk; Cornelis; Claas; Susanna, who m. Isaac Cornelise Swits; Marie, who m. Daniel Janse Van Antwerpen; Rebecca, who m. Claas Cornelise Vander Volgen; Sara, who m. Arent Vedder. On the 8th of Feb., 1690 his five sons, Symon, Abraham, Philip, Dirk, and Claas were taken captive by the French and Indians, and taken to Canada; the following year they were redeemed.