6/12 to 18/1763 – 12/16/1834
From the notes of James Tillotson:
John MacCallum of Perthshire, Scotland, was the father of three sons, John, Neil and Duncan, all of whom emigrated to America, and one daughter, Elinor or Eleanor, who is only known of from a family bible owned by a descendent of Neil MacCallum. Little else is known with certainty about John MacCallum. However, Jim Tillotson’s research has uncovered numerous possibilities as listed below:
Jim Tillotson’s Research Notes on the McCallum Family
Jim Tillotson’s Index to References
Possible parents of 60/61-Duncan; 120/121-Neil/John/Elinor [LDSC, LDSC(BI), LBSF(Perth)]:
John MacCallum m. Janet Kennedy (no John) [LDSF(Perth), [LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 14 December 1792 in Killin
Duncan McCallum m. Janet McDonald (D) or
Janet McDiarmid (J1) or Jannet McDearmid
(J2) ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 15 April 1794 in Killin [LDSC]
John, chr. 14 September 1798 [LDSC]
John, chr. 14 August 1798 [LDSC]
Malcolm McCollin m. Mar. Fletcher ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 7 August 1794 in Killin [LDSC]
John MacCallum m. Margaret Mc Gregor ([LDSC],
Ch. Duncan, chr. 20 August 1794 in Fortingall,
Perthshire John, chr. 15 October 1796 in
Fortingall, Perthshire
John McCallum m. Margaret Fletcher [LDSF(Perth)]
Ch. Duncan chr. 20 August 1794 in Fothergill, Perthshire
Dond. McCallen m. Betty McIntyre ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 28 September 1794 in Killin [LDSC]
John MacCallum m. Mary McKay ([LDSF(Perth)], [LDSC], LDSC(BI)])
Ch. John, chr. 1 August 1789 in Killin, Perthshire
Duncan, chr. 14 October 1794 in Killin, Perthshire
John MacCallum m. Janet (no John) [LDSC]
[LDSF(Perth)], [LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 3 December 1794 in Comrie, Perthshire
Donald MacCallum m. Jean ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 25 May 1795 in Killin
John, chr. 11 August 1788 or 11 September
1788 or 26 May 1791 in Killin
Donald McCallum m. Susan McGregor ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr. 1797 in Killin [LDSC]
Mal. MacCallum m. Kat. Mc Farland ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Duncan, chr 21 May 1798 in Killin [LDSC]
John, chr. 5 May 1796 in Killin [LDSC]
John McCalum, b. ca. 1760 in Easdale, Kilbrandon Argyl Scotland, m. Jean (Janet) MacLean (b. 1760 in Scotland) ([LDSC(BI)])
Ch. Archibald, b. 1788 in Scotland
John, b. 1794
Catherine, b. 1795 in Scotland
John MacCallum m. Susanna McKay (LDSC(BI)]
Ch. John, b. 26 July 1796 in Killin, Perthshire [LDSC]
Dugal Mc Callum, chr. 1792, m. Janet Buchannan, son of George McCallum [LDSC]
Ch. Eleanor/Elinor chr. 25 May 1805 [LDSC(BI)] lists no Neil/Niel or Eleanor/Elinor
GEN [MH] “Some of the Scottish families claimed kinship to Sir Walter Scott.” Lynn Beedle believes tie to Mary Queen of Scots must have come from Aunt Belle (letter dated 19 July 1977, also ? tie to clan-Stuarts, Campbell) Jane’s middle name suggests McCallums may be related to Mary Queen of Scots, Any way the “blot on the blood” makes an interesting story. Hal talked of the “Stuart Taint” and how could we escape it when both Mary and Darnley were Stuarts.
[HSB1] Page 1/2 The McCallums are probably the most aristocratic of the lot. Like all McCallums, particularly those who emigrated from Scotland, John McCallum traced his linage back to McCallum More, Duke of Argyle, head of all the Campbells. The first Duke was raised to that august rank after he married the illegitimate daughter of James VI of Scotland, and when we wished to irritate Aunt Belle, who took this genealogy business seriously, we always referred to “the blot on the blood.” If the McCallum claims are correct, royal blood, well diluted flows through our veins, but at least we escape the Stuart taint, as we entered the line through Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, husband of Mary Queen of Scots.
None of the Scotch jokes apply to the McCallums. Of all those I have known, or known about, owners of bookstores, artists, singers, none had any respect for money. They practiced with abandon all the extravagances that make my really Scotch soul shiver. They ride in taxicabs, use the long distance phone with the slightest excuse, belong to country clubs, and are always going out to dinner. Page 1/5